fitness, weight
Weight week 3: 121.8kg
Slight weight increase over last week (although over a kilo gained from Friday morning) due to eating generally more unhealthy foods over the weekend, whilst doing a film shoot. This pretty much confirms that when I'm cooking for myself I make food that's a lot healthier.
fitness, weight
Weight week 4: 120kg
On the nose 120kg is kinda nice! The home made lunches are REALLY making a big impact, and unlike with sandwiches I'm actually going not getting bored of them so long as I change them up every week. I might try doing a sandwich on Friday though!
Last night I happened to glance down at my chest and it didn't look as big as I'd remembered, so pretty happy with the progress!
fitness, weight
Had a couple of bad weeks but I'm starting to get back on top of everything! Down to 119.9kg today!
@renbymon Awesome! You're doing great! 💜💙