fuck i'm tired of typing ḿ when saying i'm and ś when saying thatś but i want to be able to type áéíóú please help

i also don't want to switch over between layouts either, i want just the one

@kellerfuchs i'm using something ubuntu calls "US (International with dead keys)"

there isn't an international without dead keys

i don't know which are the dead keys

@squirrel Yeah, that should be qwerty intl. Dead keys are the ones that don't print a character, but modify the next one (so, `, ', ", ...)

Also, I wanted to write you some Xcompose witchcraft, but I'm currently on Wayland so I can't ;_;
*tableflips, sets things on fire.*

@squirrel So, putting something like `<apostrophe> <s> : "'s"`
and `<apostrophe> <m> : "'m"` in ~/.Xcompose ought to be enough but I can't currently try.

@squirrel i.e. using .Xcompose to override a specific deadkey combo.

@kellerfuchs i honestly have no idea what xcompose is and i don't think i=ḿ in the right headspace to learn it todaysorry

Ish fine. *offers @squirrel soff hugs, is sorry they can't be more helpful.*

@squirrel this is probably a bad suggestion but icelandic has áéíóú but not those m and s letters. maybe you could switch to that?

@SpeedyPandora still types ś and aaa the punctuation is æÆÞþö all wrong sorry

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