@atinyfairy OMG! This is so cool! thank you for sharing it or else I'd not have found it <3! I love those Mac OS 9 vibes and I have that same Imac g3 model!

@teaduckie yeah it looks amazing! I have lots of memories of browsing sailormoon forums in the late 90s and early 00s, and chatting with friends over IM, and playing with silly desktop toys and dollmakers and stuff........ it's 2000% my aesthetic and the writing seems pretty good too


@atinyfairy That's my aesthetic too and I can't get over that Imac G3 in the trailer because I have the very same model and I adore it! I adore Imac G3s, it was my dream computer that I didn't have until much much much later. Mac. Also, Mac OS 9 is such a cool OS.

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