seriously, it's only just coming up to when we'd normally have a general election since 2015 and in that time we've had two extra general elections, three prime ministers, brexit, and a wide range of other shit
but no, apparently it would have been chaos with Miliband
also he couldn't eat a bacon sandwich properly
@troubleMoney idk, could tory-lite have done much better
@a_breakin_glass we probably could have got away with a bit less austerity and no brexit
not exactly a shining utopia but preferable to the current mess
@troubleMoney Might be four soon.
@troubleMoney I mean the edstone didn't help
@a_breakin_glass oh god the edstone
that was amazing
for non-UK people, I am not making that last bit up
this picture of Ed Miliband eating a sandwich pretty much killed all his hopes of getting elected
it was a simpler time