The ISO can go fuck itself
I don't care that ISO 3103 is their internationally recognised way of making tea, THE MILK GOES IN FUCKING LAST
@troubleMoney also, from the same link, "If the test involves milk, then it is added before pouring the infused tea unless that is contrary to the organisation's normal practice."
Dr Stapley is adamant. "If milk is poured into hot tea, individual drops separate from the bulk of the milk, and come into contact with the high temperatures of the tea for enough time for significant denaturation - degradation - to occur. This is much less likely to happen if hot water is added to the milk."
Basically, this is the only real reason the milk should go in first. Orwell dissented on the grounds that milk last gives control of quantity.
The fuck? There's an ISO standard method of preparing tea? What kind of dipshit people run... It's the French, isn't it? They did that to fuck with the Brits, didn't they?
@Terxbor The Swiss as it happens
But I am assuming French involvement
@troubleMoney "This standard is not meant to define the proper method for brewing tea, but rather how to document the tea brewing procedure so sensory comparisons can be made. An example of such a test would be a taste-test to establish which blend of teas to choose for a particular brand or basic label in order to maintain a consistent tasting brewed drink from harvest to harvest."
You're safe. Also...for most teas, the milk goes in the fridge, away from the tea.