uuugh i need to summon my Can I Speak To Your Manager energy because these reusable coldpacks are fucking beyond the pale
same company, same product, held up for 7 years. great, let's get some more. 2 out of the 6 or so new ones have had to be tossed out entirely. the other 3 are all patched. the heat sealing around the edge is just... not as good as it used to be, so the grey goop is constantly leaking out. i thought putting duct tape all around the edge would head off problems, but no... =_=
honestly at this point i'm thinking i might be better off with a bag of fuckin peas lol.
#spoonie folks and others, y'all have a favourite brand of reusable coldpack that you can use for therapeutic stuff (e.g. mushing on yourself)? chattanooga colpacs keep fuckin letting me down