you know what we really need a reboot of, though?
yes i know we'll all have to admit that the original dog actor has died and it's awful, but like... imagine Wishbone For Adults.
i don't mean dark and gritty.
i just mean that it's a dog in a costume giving you a summary of, like, The Great Gatsby and Heart of Darkness and such
@InspectorCaracal honestly
same concept we just move it into the "literature you get in high school and college" area
....probably not the risque ones though. let's not adapt Lady Chatterly's Lover for that
@wigglytuffitout like they did Cyrano de Bergerac and Joan of Arc and Faust and A Tale Of Two Cities and so on
@InspectorCaracal i did actually google and they don't have Heart of Darkness or The Great Gatsby
and like.... how great would tiny puppy Gatsby be though
@wigglytuffitout yeah not those specific ones, true, but they definitely did books at that level and tone, so like, all you really need is more wishbone doing more books, right
@wigglytuffitout harp that's just Regular Wishbone lmao