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AbuhRae boosted

If you're excited that things are entering the #PublicDomain — which you should be! — perhaps it's worth considering reforming copyright.

In many places currently it's 70 years after the death of the author, or longer. This is insanity.

An important piece of culture made by a young author could be locked behind copyright (with rights usually held by publishers, not authors themselves anyway) for over a *century*.

That's how you get #Disney to own almost everything.

Reform #copyright!

AbuhRae boosted

Of course, it might be too late to do this because hardware companies can "submarine" patents, IE your patent's activation date can be up to a year before the idea's public unveiling. So maybe some of these obvious-feeling ideas I have been thinking about for years ALREADY belong to Apple because they secretly patented it six months ago and I didn't think to talk about it in public two years ago. Software patents sure do suck and should not exist!!

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AbuhRae boosted

(I think something I've talked about on Twitter is it would be nice to have "dummy" devices for use with AR/VR, IE, something the size and shape of a phone but it's just a big flat bluetooth touchpad streaming touch data back to your goggles, and when you're wearing VR/AR goggles a phone interface is drawn over the touchpad's surface. You could imagine a tablet like this, a keyboard whose drawn-on keys vary with keyboard layout, etc).

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AbuhRae boosted

3. The Hololens can pop up Win10 Metro windows that you touch with your finger to activate touch buttons. What I *really* want is for an AR headset to create actual *monitors*, IE, I have no monitor on my desk but I can spawn as many fake ones as I want floating above it. I would control these with a keyboard and a mouse sitting on the desk, and would have a mouse cursor I would move between like multiple monitors. I would use touch only to touch/grab and move the fake screens around.

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AbuhRae boosted

1. If you have AR, it would be really cool to do walking street directions that actually superimpose a red path line, floating arrows etc on the real world.
2. It would be cool to do a "teleconference" in AR sitting at a table with the person you're teleconferencing with superimposed into another chair. (My brother and I have discussed this idea before.)

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AbuhRae boosted

@mcc When VR headsets were becoming a thing about what 8(?) years ago, I thought it would be really cool to make all these alternate spaces that would overlay my entire house, so me and my friends could hang out in places from my memories and dreams. I also had big hopes that I could have the screens of all my computers and my phone all accessible as cool floating rectangles I could summon and manipulate with visual input devices.

AbuhRae boosted

Apple is probably releasing their VR/AR product this year, which means they're probably going to patent a *bunch* of stuff which is wildly obvious but just coincidentally has never been shipped before. So it's occurring to me it is a good idea to start publicly documenting various "hey, you know what would be a good idea to do in VR" ideas, so we can point to it as prior art when the lawsuit happens.

Some things I've been thinking about for years:

AbuhRae boosted

do not fall into the traps laid for you, some by cis phobes and some by trans elders. there is an infinite list of excuses that you can draw from if you're looking for ways to disqualify yourself. but your gender is yours alone to choose and it's independent of what anyone else says or thinks.

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@JoshJers I’ve been presented opportunities for wishes external to myself and the record there stands. Though I don’t know that any were specifically purchased, and not from my kin. 🤔

My daughter bought me this for xmas. And while i love the sentiment, I’m… hesitant to put it on. I’m pretty aggressively NOT superstitious, but my wishes are cursed. Any time I make them, the opposite seems to happen, or should it be all but assured, it will be corrupted in some monkey’s paw kinda way. I’ve long since stopped making them. 😬

Do i give it another go?


@cailinkins yeah I’m def doing my best to give myself Grace on this, but yeah. Blah. This one hit different and I’m not the same person I was before it. Colder and more distant as a self defense mechanism.


On reflection, 2022 has easily been my loneliest year on record. The heartbreak early in the year cracked something deep in me, possibly irreparably.

I’ve worked hard to find joy in the things I like doing, and found some marginal success, but that crack… It opens to an endless sucking void. Sometimes it’s all I can do to keep from imploding into despair.

The music and friends, they help. But i feel myself skipping like a stone on the waters of oblivion. I fear I’m running out of momentum

@sinvega @alexandria according to the blurb at the bottom of the current page, that Skin has been stretched over a couple bodies in the intervening years.

It’s sad.

AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted

Non-trans folks: trans women who underwent testosterone puberty don’t have any voice changes from HRT.

Some do many hours of mentally exhausting voice therapy to find a new voice. Some do not.

I am not asking but demanding that you respect both choices. :heart_trans:

AbuhRae boosted

Please. I’m begging you. Not every tutorial needs to be a video.

I was reminded today that Desura existed. It's too bad what happened to it, there was some promise there once. Now it's merely a cursed husk.

AbuhRae boosted

Just in time for 4-days-after-Christmas, "Combat Chopper" has been released - an 80's helicopter combat flight simulator for #pico8

Play it on the Lexaloffle BBS:

Or on

AbuhRae boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!