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AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted


One thing the captain of the Titanic had on Elon is that he didn't ban all the lifeboats.

AbuhRae boosted

Somehow we have not yet visualized this, so it was a bit surprising! That "stalactite" is infinitely long, and also infinitely wide -- we cannot go around it.

The floor is a hyperbolic plane embedded in Solv geometry (as the set of points with x=0), while the roof is equidistant to it.

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AbuhRae boosted

Week 1: We will finally bring free speech to the Internet

Week 8: Linktree is illegal

AbuhRae boosted

Social media platforms come and go, but "I like the political brand of the person who sexually assaulted you, so I refuse to believe it could have happened" is forever, apparently

AbuhRae boosted

everyone's twitter feed is gonna look like this in 2023

AbuhRae boosted

Dear everyone -- Please support the admin of your instance. Go to Name of server/about to find out how your admin can accept donations.

They don't get paid and the #TwitterMigration has increased the cost of hosting a server. Every time EM does something moronic, there's a sudden influx.

Be kind, be patient. Your server may have another slowdown as we're all online and more people are signing up. Give your admin some time.
#TwitterChaos #SupportYourAdmin

AbuhRae boosted

Every news outlet should stand up a Mastondon instance for their reporters & staff.

It’ll be great to see or whatever domain they want to use.

Built in verification. Every reporter for the Washington Post on a washpo domain. Every reporter for the New York Times on an NYTimes domain. Etc, etc.

Plus the “local” feed for each instance becomes a feed of all the posts from that institution mixed together — providing extra discovery.

AbuhRae boosted

TIL: There is a cursed color in the Kodak ProPhoto RGB color space which, when converted to sRGB using pre-August-2020-Security-Update Android's image conversion routines, causes an integer overflow and a crash due to a rounding error. Some dude accidentally created an image ( which contains the cursed color on a single pixel. In 2020 if you set this image as your desktop on a Google or Samsung device, the device would brick & lose all onboard data

AbuhRae boosted

it’s hard to believe that in this day and age people are still wearing fir

AbuhRae boosted

"Pronouns" in conservative circles is a dog whistle. They fixate on pronouns so they can say transgender people are bad without bumping into hate speech rules. Mocking them for using pronouns themselves or not knowing what pronouns are isn't the burn you think it is.

Have fun with circling all the pronouns in screenshots of their tweets if that's your jam, but remember that you are not the intended audience. It's messaging for others on the far-right and it's way worse than flunking English class

AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted

Engaging AA guns head on is not a good idea.

Also I need to figure out a good way to convey helicopter damage.


Jim Guthrie’s And We Got Older popped into my head tonight, and it’s so perfectly on brand with my mood that I’m gonna learn to play it.

So I’m off with the next couple weeks and I’m thinking about trying to actually buckle down and learn Unity. (I’m more interested in UE for a number of reasons, but Unity has immediate job Utility at my actual job so…)
I’m thinking I might take one of my pico8 games and try and reimplement it over there. I figure that should keep me from getting too out of pocket with scope and from getting lost in design hell. Curious to see how this goes.

Venting and Whining 

Sometimes I think about how annoying it is being an aging, non-passing, demi, sapphic tran in a cis-heteronormative society.
Being “exotic” is for the birds. I appreciate and am grateful for all the friends I’ve made from various “dating” apps, but dang, it’d be nice to be chosen for a change. Ya girl’s hurtin in the intimacy department. 🥱

Ah well, vent over.

AbuhRae boosted

My name is Paul Nicholas - I'm a Software Engineer by day (mostly C# #DotNet) and enjoy doing #GameDev by night 👨‍💻

My main hobby of late has been creating #demake's with #Pico8 - inc. #LowMemSky & #SCUMM8

Most recently, I released #UnDUNE2 - The Demaking of a Dynasty:

Currently, I'm working on SAGE, my Simple Adventure Game Engine. Follow my progress here:

For everything else:


AbuhRae boosted

Shared by my Daughter
"I need privacy, not because my actions are questionable, but because your judgement and intentions are"

In response to "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"

AbuhRae boosted
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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!