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AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted

ALRIGHT! My petition to the government of Canada, to allow the claiming of asylum by trans people by reason of their country passing trans-eliminationist laws, is now LIVE.

If you are a Canadian Citizen, or a Permanent Resident, you are eligible. PLEASE DO NOT SIGN IF YOU ARE NOT IN THESE CATEGORIES.

Feel free to post the link anywhere you think it'll get traction. I'm modestly hoping we can get 10k signatures in 120 days.

Fly, my pretties! Fly!

AbuhRae boosted

I've decided that any time someone refused to use singular they I'm going to start speaking Middle English at them.

Them: sorry I just can't accept that "they" is singular

Me: yae forr soath, thoo arrt rricht; the oldeh wyes beh ahlwyes betterr

AbuhRae boosted

Every worker in every industry deserves a union, and tech right now is having a clear demonstration of how our lack of unions hurts us.

I just heard an exec say that it was "unfortunate" that we couldn't fire people faster in other parts of the world because of labor protections. Sit with that for a moment.

In the US unions are one of our very very few tools to give us any chance at all.

We need strong unions to push back against this sort of callous insensitivity backed by unchecked greed.

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I've been listening again to The Deed of Paksenarrion on Audible. It was one of the first novels I read of my own volition and it's lived with me ever since. It's one of my all time favourite ever works of fiction and I don't think I know anyone else who's even heard of it, let alone read it.

It’s brilliantly written, and I absolutely adore the pov of an ignorant rural farm girl running off to join an army knowing next to nothing about the crazy magic world she lives in.

AbuhRae boosted

Transition - Doing The Work 

Been thinking quite a bit about the phrase "doing the work" in regards to the process a trans person has to go through to accept themselves.

For want of a better word, each trans person has to develop a patchwork of "faith" (in why transition is okay for them to do) that is strong enough to overcome their combined weight of their fears and social pressures against.

And to begin with that faith is likely built on a lot of different oddball parts due to the lack of any lived experience or likely much major connection within the trans community. Things have to be guessed and imagined that its going to be ok.

But as they transition, and do the work, that faith should naturally evolve through experience, discarding points that are not beneficial, not based in solid reasoning, or dont align with actual reality. To the point that each trans person hopefully finds a resting point of faith that has strong enough ground it doesn't endanger them.

Eventually everyone has to have a stable position of:

I am trans because X, its ok for me to be this way because Y. I (and other trans people) are not monsters.

It's not necessary that each trans person finds the exact same faith as each other, just that their own faith is built on stable enough ground that it can stand up to pressure of bad mental health issues or extreme outside forces.

AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted

I’ll also say that a steam deck with a wireless stadia controller, plugged into my TV makes for a great way to play old video games! EmuDeck works great 😁

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Okay, I got through the opening cutscene to the first room in the game. If I’d seen this in 1995 I might have lost my entire mind!

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AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted

(👆 My spectacles, without which I'd not be typing this, are testament to the fact that A LOT of people are members of the:



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What is it about the presence of a hot mic or camera that makes it impossible to get a good take when playing music. 😶‍🌫️

It’s like musicianship is fucking quantum: observation changes the outcome. 😫

AbuhRae boosted

No joke I think you could make a fortune doing a summer camp for adults. I'd happily fall sleep on a top bunk listening to the rain on a wooden roof while we wonder which of the counselors are in love. Also, archery

AbuhRae boosted

For all its faults, I don't think we appreciate what a success USB has been.

I can grab a USB 1.0 mouse from the very first year of its existence - 1998! - and it'll still work on just about every single modern computer and OS.

AbuhRae boosted
AbuhRae boosted


If ever there was a headline that proves capitalism stands in the way of human well-being, it is this one.


AbuhRae boosted

One bad apple spoils the whole barrel
The customer is always right in matters of taste
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb

You keep using only part of that saying. I do not think it means what you think it means

AbuhRae boosted

America isn’t split evenly between Liberals and Conservatives. If it was, Conservatives wouldn’t need anti-majoritarian methods like voter suppression, gerrymandering, manipulating the Electoral College, and claiming elections are rigged.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!