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*smiles* it's not help then, so much as a warning.

this "trust" business isn't just about YOU, after all. it's about the implicit bond you form with someone when you talk like that. "I trust you" gawd if anyone ever said that to me I'd be tempted to toss it right back at them

@maple you know it _is_ possible to live without ever doing that. it's not a burden a lot of people like, anyway, to be _trusted_ by someone else

live without being trusted and you'll find that living without needing to trust people comes easier. I'm not saying I recommend living that way, but sometimes there's little practical choice otherwise

Parallax webcomic, p. 56 

page fifty-six

...and Lomax tries it again, shouting "Key: What!!"

nothing happens

(I think you might need to do some kind of pose, Lomax...oh nm, for some reason saying another word, "yeah", started the henshin sequence and the pink lozenge flares up brightly in Lomax's forehead again)

Parallax webcomic, p. 55 

page fifty-five.

Lomax remembers at last, yeah, the glowing glass lozenge asked for a "key" and Lomax ended up supplying the keyword "what?!"

Prof. Rogers accepts this with a sigh, then goes on to explain the henshin business a bit more fully...

"I think our next release should incorporate blockchain technology"

"Earl...we make operational amplifiers here"

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re: Long rant about a former friend, who is a neonazi 

like if you wanted to filter out potential bad tech employees, you'd probably do a pretty decent job just by finding out which candidates are into garbage

you'd have every reason to believe they'd be risky hires. secretly hijacking everything that wasn't nailed down, to mine their play money on. would you want a Bitcoin cultist _working_ for you? I wouldn't

@FreyaManibrandr @Alyx @cerret holy shit. the culture must be so goddamn toxic. pure concentrated techbro capitalism

@FreyaManibrandr @cerret the dev team made the mistake of hiring some cryptocurrency fanatic and within weeks he got the whole place talking about "blockchain" twenty times a day disappearing, salt about Mastodon 

I swear, this place is like "geek social fallacies gets their own social medium"

Show thread disappearing, salt about Mastodon 

I feel like it really says something about what a chaotic clusterfuck the fediverse is, that an instance can simply disappear, and nobody will even tell me what happened after weeks of asking

Medical ethics; AI; Blockchain 

> AI researchers have a plan to pay patients for data

> Pay for the data and store it in a blockchain-protected system

Wow this is a clusterchuckle of bad tech buzzwords and ideas

@ari continence is a serious problem round these parts, some days

Parallax webcomic, p. 54 

page fifty-four

huh. wasn't sure what I was expecting to be on this page, but it wasn't this

looks like Prof. Rogers is talking Lomax into doing the henshin thing again, with the glass lozenge. Rogers is assuring Lomax that the headaches etc. aren't a permanent thing

they're outside in the second half of the page. among trees

Rogers reminds Lomax that they had to speak a password

@maple I do hope something better than Mastodon comes along

I don't like it here

@maple I don't know you and our interests don't seem to coincide much, so I don't say much to you. that's unfortunate :=( I've never been good at feedback on stuff I don't get

@maple I've had a lot of nights of thinking like this. I just post my shit whether or not anyone responds to it. what else can I do

I ask questions, they go unanswered. nobody cares about the stuff I'm interested in here.

but I don't know how to stop talking about it, whether or not anyone reacts to it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!