I keep forgetting to post/interact here because stupid ADHD T_T
that complaint is relevant right now cause I was watching a youtube video 8bitmod's gamecube memory card built with the esp32 chip and I have no one to talk to about how that platform and its inclusion of wireless capabilities has been a revolution for embedded tech, console modding, and many hacker projects since the chip was rolled out.

Is there any way to make the Public timeline at all useable? a 100 word post scrolls off before I can finish it cause a million bots post their trash in that time.

Keep forgetting to check hear and set up my profile! so let's bang out an introduction before I forget again!
Hello, I'm Arragonder. I haven't decided if I'll use my real name eventually. Love computers and video games and technology and writing and music, and all of these things interacting in interesting ways.
Didn't get diagnosed with my ADHD or Autism, and the resulting anxiety and depression until I was in my 20s.
Only started learning about autism this week
Out of Space

Like Mastodon "centralizes" the software experience through federation so even though there's all these disparate servers running, chains of federated servers can be treated by the software and thus the users as a single application. Not only has blockchain not addressed this issue I have never seen anyone even bring it up. I guess blockchain could be a useful technology incorporated into something but we should really build decentralized internet on stuff like federated systems. thoughts yall?

Show thread

Jesus Christ the biggest barrier to me joining new communities really is remembering to fucking look in and engage. stupid brain uwu.

anyway I was thinking about the recent crypto crash and the underpinning block chain technology and I came to the realization that block chain tech in its current form can never be used for non scams because it addresses the issue of decentralized "democratic" hardware, but does nothing to "centralize" the software built on top of such hardware.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!