Fried silky tofu breaded in tapioca starch for lunch today, super creamy on the inside

so how's that trust fund bud? how's elon doing, i know you saw him at the last party

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people who write things like this should have to donate their life savings to charity, then maybe 400 us american dollars can be affordable for normal people who don't make the big bucks acting as a mouthpiece for corporate marketing agencies

Hygogg says hi (gogg)
Spent the better part of several days working on this older, relatively simple kit. Took the time to file the nubs down, colour correct with paint markers, and then waterslide decals. Really proud of how far my skills have come.

Added some extra little details, spikes on the knees and lfrith style bunny antenna on the head, in an eye catching red

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Pretty happy with these, brush painting is a little rough but I'm so happy with how the red in the thruster cones looks, just gotta finish painting all the blue pieces to green

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I got some nice fine brushes for painting and my sister was really thoughtful and grabbed me some makeup sponges after hearing I needed some for this

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Other than physical part modding, these armour panels need to be sanded, primed, and painted green, which should be interesting

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My aim so far is to emulate the backpack style or the jegan by adding an extra large thruster cone on the back, as well as fuel tanks, and add thrusters to the backs of the calves as in the Nemo, make it look high mobility, basically bringing over elements from some of my favourite units

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Most recent project, Real grade GP01-FB, gundam zephrantes full burnen (full vernien makes more sense but this is how it got translated ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
This was a fun, challenging build of a really cool mobile suit, I love the detachable core fighter and the little Vernier thrusters around the chassis, definitely worth it

Made a curry pot noodle for lunch, with some added fried tofu πŸ˜‹

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!