me (telegram): hey its you! *relatable meme*

Raspberry (telegram):
fdm, txcdwecd7f52

me: would you rather i send you this instead? *terrible joke*

Raspberry (out loud): "halkghgfdbml"

me: did i just make you keymash in real life

(she proceeded to throw a plush fox at me)

@Raspberryfloof is a huge goofball fyi

adorable update 

a second fox plush has hit my shoulder

adorable update 

update: she booped me, and then when i grabbed her to boop her back, more or less sat on me


adorable update 

@Xkeeper Adorable indeed.

I'm pretty sure you're the main reason she seems so very blushy 50% of the time. :P

adorable update 

@BatElite 20% at best (but you can just ask @Raspberryfloof for a real number)

re: adorable update 

@Xkeeper @BatElite it would be even more than it actually is, but X spends half their time cracking terrible puns so I end up groaning instead of blushing >.>

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!