Show newer Eeep!

*Wriggles under the hugging Janet.*

:O I quite like that Skeletor, the skull-headed blue man is the one character from that show that remains culturally relevant today. :P A very effective tactic it seems.

The Besnard Lakes Are The Roaring Night is so weirdly disappointing. The first song* is slow but great but after that it's just slow and boring.

*Well, "2 parts" but the first is the 1:39 long instrumental intro so I don't feel like that counts. Were they desperate to pad out the tracklisting? Did they not believe that you could have a song over 8 minutes?

There's a disappointingly low amount of games centred around affection on I feel like I should make a game jam for that maybe.

Good morning

Last night I left a drawing with a finished sketch layer called "Lesbian blobs", in case you were wondering how I'm doing. :P

Selfie, eye contact It's a wehcutie~

1: find large wings.

2: curl up in wings. :3

Also there's an account I expected not to see active ever again, but after...194 days (since Jan 30th) I suppose I've been proven wrong. Enjoy your new(?) avatar~ :P

an extremely good There really need to be bat emotes, at least patting but maybe others too. =w=

Also an extremely good: You!

I think I'll retire from masto for the night, but not yet going to sleep. See you tomorrow~


@loki Heck, nice!

Is the shirt a hint as to what you put in there? :P

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!