(I wrote her a haiku too that I'll post for posterity even if there's no context but never mind that...)
Janet the cute chao
Like the respected haiku
Both are valid
(And actually the context is that I was wondering about the plural of haiku and she said "haikus is always valid")
Answer 9
"9. How has your fursona changed over time?"
The earliest sketches I can remember were focused around a large fur collar that merged with the ears. I don't know if I had the same sort of yellow in mind back then but it was meant to be lighter than the regular fur.
After that came what you can see in answer 8, followed by one that has a simpler chevron pattern (less but larger). Recently they've been able to switch between male an female, that started around March but took off in April.
Answer 8, addendum
I think I didn't pay them much attention for a while after these sketches. Also "round head doesn't work" -> currently the head is a poorly defined sphere. :P
Answer 8
"8. How long have you had your fursona?"
Earliest sketches I have of them range from 2014-12-8 to 2014-12-10 ending in what I referred to as the first reference for them, but I did mentally mess around with the bat before then (and did sketch them, but I don't think I have any of those anymore. A little more on that for question 9 though.) so they didn't quite form as close to the current design as it looks. Note that the chevron pattern is different in these.
Answer 7
"7. How much of your sona is based on yourself?"
They certainly take on parts of my life and moods, and IIRC the huge wings (and more importantly, not having regular hands) were half a metaphor for autism at one point.
So probably they have some (sub?)conscious connection to my personality.
@Felthry ...true.
I feel like we might get some mileage out of "2 gay 2 proffread" stickers on here, and that is quite the serendipitous misspelling on my part. :P
Answer 6
"6. What is your fursona's favourite food?"
I haven't really thought about this but probably seafood. Fish and shrimp mostly. :3
(They will try and eat stuff they don't recognize or just for a joke though, and also sparkles. Somehow those are edible.)
Bisexual bat|
Can be found at @BatElite
"hfhgjgjhfhf" -@lizardsquid