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Affection/PDA sort of? 

Idea: Chao petting competition

You are given 5 minutes (maybe 10, who knows) and @chao. Your goal is to fill that time with as much love and affection (not just petting, despite the name) directed towards Janet as you can. Your effort will be judged by who are only given the audio recordings of each session.


I do such a shit job reacting and replying to others, even though the reactions (and occasional feedback, but that's rare) of others is largely what keeps me doing stuff.

uni (-) 

Apparently this diagnostic test came back with a negative "result", but:

-There's nothing but the grade, no submission or anything
-"anonymously graded: no"
-The mail stating it'd been graded claims that happened an hour *after* it was sent

So as far as I'm concerned there's all reason to believe they fucked up somewhere because it's quite ridiculous to me that I'd not write well enough.

I'm sure it'll get sorted out eventually, but guess who's going to be bothered by it all evening?

New avi, Body horror? (lots of ellipses, I don't know if screen readers handle that well?) 

Hello everyone, I'm not feeling too well...a mind feels are


Finally did a hallowtoberween avatar for myself. 83

New avi, Body horror? (lots of ellipses, I don't know if screen readers handle that well?) 

Hello everyone, I'm not feeling too well...a mind feels are


Finally did a hallowtoberween avatar for myself. 83

Bat video: "she's very very placid but she does like to show everybody her teeth."

Bats are great everyone.

I think we can pretty safely say that I managed to do as I set out. :P

Good morning

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Time to get some good amount of sleep (as in, not 5 hours)

Good night.

I might have to try writing a little thing tomorrow...

PC shit 

God fucking damn it clock stay fucking on time.

PC stuff 

This one music file causes the main (as in, files and programs. Not the SSD the OS shits over) hard drive to get hogged. I don't know how worried I should be...

Hope it's not dying.

did u kno: you can post on it too!
seriously signing up is easy (not even an email is required) and its not like you have to use the same username you use here or anywhere else. be you. be someone else. be whoever you want for all i care

come join the not-social-media revolution

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!