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Bernka boosted

realizing that your entire social circle had been made up of individuals with various prejudices and unsafe viewpoints is always a jarring but necessary wake-up call

it's hard to make new friends but sometimes it's necessary.

Bernka boosted

Pronouns PSA 

Daily reminder that if you refuse to use someone's pronouns because you find them 'silly' or 'dehumanizing', you're playing into respectability politics.

Denying someone the agency to tell you who they are and how they wish to be addressed is dehumanizing and demeaning in a very -real- way.

My eye hurt and I feel like I have so much I want done today that won't get done. I have 3-4 hours in which to catch up on everything, but my eyes hurt and so does my nose a bit.😞

Bernka boosted

guys that take the time to review bomb movies with women in them are pretty pathetic

I have recently been writing a lot recently. Just fanfic stuff, but I would still like others to read them and hopefully enjoy them.

(yawns) Is tired

Sorry I'm not active here. I just can't think of really anything to say. I do read the stuff here on computerfairi and you are all lovely.

And another review for Halloween. This is shorter. Less material to work with and less time to write.

Anyway, Happy Halloween, everyone

I posted a Halloween review recently. It's for the horror game Yomawari: Midnight Shadows. Here's a link for anyone who might be interested.

Anyway, I've been a bit distracted, but I'm going to try and be more active. I hope everyone is well.

Just something I wish to pin. I have an anime discord, with additional channels for mental health and support, other media, personal projects and general chattery. It's not dedicated to LGBT, but it has a number of LGBT members and I'm firmly supportive of LGBT people being free to chat there and be open without issue or fear.

Hello everyone
Translady and anime fan here. I read and occasionally write. I game a bit, mainly RPGs. I also read visual novels and listen to a bunch of music, mainly soundtrack stuff. I learned of this place from a friend and it looked nice, so here I am. I hope I will get on well with all of you.

Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!