Bernka boosted

:boosts_ok: Mutual Aid Post - boosts super appreciated :miku_love: 

I've held off doing this for months now, but I'm at the point where I have to do it now because so many needs have stacked up all at once :kitty_sad: :drgn_laugh_sweat:

:axolotl_wave: hi, I'm a poc trans woman who has become progressively more disabled over the last year, and I'm trying to get about $550 together for:
・bills ($100)
・groceries (now even more expensive because I often can't go get them myself) ($300)
・other expenses (small things like shampoo and toothpaste that add up) ($150)

Venmo: OctaviaConAmore (preferred since ko-fi takes a larger cut)

Currently: 0/550

@mutualaid #MutualAid #TransMutualAid #DisabilityMutualAid #CrowdFund #TransCrowdFund #DisabilityCrowdFund #LongCovid

Currently feeling lonely and like I've lost a lot in that area, like I can't even figure out how to reconnect with the people I did know once.

Bernka boosted

Re: Covid mutation in the UK, don’t panic 

If any of y’all have panicked about seeing “OH MY GOD A NEW COVID MUTATION WE’RE DOOMED VACCINES ARE USELESS” here’s a good post that breaks down why everything will still be fine

Bernka boosted

I'm probably one of the few people who will still buy CDs and rip the songs for personal use rather than listen to them streaming.

Doesn't mean I *don't* use Spotify or whatever, I just prefer personal copies I can listen to anytime, offline or on.

Bernka boosted

I bought a green colored 64GB flash drive today (my previous biggest one was 8GB lol) and I don't know what I want to do with all that space, but backing up things that have disappeared from the Internet is a good first choice

Bernka boosted

why do glossy screens even exist? i mean who even wants to see their own reflection?

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i'm still alive! just trying to resume functioning in a capitalist society while grappling with continued concussion recovery

"return to full time" is a simple phrase that hides a lot of complexity and health challenges

Bernka boosted


to make people think you've spent much more time doing your eyeshadow than you actually have, get a large 'toothbrush' style brush and a rainbow highlighter, put down some glitter eyeshadow primer, and then load up the brush with rainbow highlighter and roll it onto your eye all at once, then do the lid itself some other color since that's where it's not gonna transfer too good and fill in the edges with a brush as needed


(selfies with eye contact follow)

Bernka boosted

note: you'll have to clean up the fallout underneath your eye but once it's on there it stays pretty well, my under-eyes are looking especially grungy because this was immediately after i had physical therapy and my mascara was being complainey + didn't use any under-eye concealer, just bb cream today

it looks impressive but is really quick to do, and would be v cute for st patrick's day, especially if you do your lids green

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Bernka boosted

"but i don't wANNAAAAA go to physical therapyyy tomorrowwwww"

"what if we use our new purse? y'know, the one that's shaped like a gameboy with holo angel wings and 'game over' on it?"


"we can wear our rainbow leggings, too. and that pair of pink combat boots with the angel wings, if you want."


"and our xbox controller resin charm necklace? y'know, the one that's a little glittery and pink?

"okaaaaaaaaay i guess if we do thaaaaaaat i can gooooo"

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Bernka boosted

this probably says something about me, and that something is unflattering, but

a good 90% of my self-care is just me talking myself into shit with bribery like i'm a bratty toddler.

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I wish any of my attempts at trying to create a space where I feel like I belong would work, or I could find something that's still active in 2019

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Bernka boosted

Family (-) 

I took pizza home from a birthday party and there was clear understanding that it was for me, and then my brother decided to eat all of it. I was really looking forward to it but I guess that didn't matter to him.

Well, I feel better physically and a bit better mentally. Minimum dysphoria today and I feel fairly positive about the future in regards to that.

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Kami is on my bed. She is so far utterly unaware that Sid is under my covers curled up. If she was aware she would be growling and grumbling and going to sulk in the corner of my room

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Thinking about how fucked up it is that if you're poor you will never be allowed a dish washing machine in your rental unit and how that punishes those with less into having even less free time

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Bernka boosted
Bernka boosted


woo played video games to the point of dissociation :S

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!