Hey guys who wanna join this NSFW monster fucker server I just made?
There isn't anything there yet but we can build it as we go!
Racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, sexism, homophobia
The only phrase that can describe how they treat civil rights and worker's rights movement is "pure atrocity." I've heard all sorts of homophobic and transphobic slurs in my life in my mother's tongue and see workers being abused and government siding with companies. The spirit of resistance is almost nonexistent in the people. Racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia run rampant, equal if not worse than the US - 2/3
Racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, sexism, homophobia
So I would fucking appreciate if the likes of Tankies don't fucking dig up these awful memories of mine and wave if around like some god damn flag of glory. - 3/3
Being a part of a minority does not mean you cant be prejudiced against that minority group, transphobic trans people exist, homophobic gay people exist, racist black people exist and anti Semitic jews exist.
You being trans doesn't mean you can't be transphobic.
RT @ParkerBailey00@twitter.com
Im literally trans? https://twitter.com/CoraDepresbian/status/1197920927285166080
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ParkerBailey00/status/1197930883925323783
@shriekingmarxist God this fucking hurts 😣
"We could develop it as a free software project where people submit patches and vote on them."
"But then where's the incentive to work? That sounds like communism."
Honestly, if it sounds like communism, it's probably a good thing.
“The technology behind the internet is not incompatible with our rights, but the business model Facebook and Google have chosen is.”
Yep, that’s Amnesty International saying that.
child exploitation conspiracy in P&F
Anyone find it weird that Perry the Platypus is a full adult who works with a human agency and received their paycheck, had multiple relationships in the past and has adult-oriented hobbies while living with two kids as their pet?
It's either that or Perry is actually still a minor and in that case, OWCA has been exploiting child labor.
At the Dyke March last week I found the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. And I've been obsessed with them ever since.
They got this big project to reinvent the post office to provide fair financial services and internet access. To connect remote communities. To check in on disabled and elderly folks. To work on food delivery. To move to electric vehicles. To work with indigenous communities to acknowledge the colonial past and present of the postal service and reinvent themselves to provide the services and support those communities want.
Essentially, the postal workers union wants to build the #solarpunk future.
queer/geek/artist/entomologist/professional regiphagist
transphobes/aphobes/biphobes/panphobes and pedos please kindly fuck off