spambot, misogyny 

Hey guys there's a spambot spreading bullshit and misogyny over the federation and hasn't been stopped yet. It's from

Can the admin of the instance do something about this?

Tankies, imperialism, racism, Islamophobia, China 

Remember this next time Tanks argue they are "leftists."


transphobia, enbyphobia, lefttube bullshit 

And just in case someone think I'm talking out of my ass:

Show thread

racism, genocide 

There was never a shortage of resources in any of these system, just imperialists setting out to murder their opposition.

lewd, gross, out of context screen 

I'm sorry this is too good not to post

"Capitalism promotes innovation"
There are so many things to unpack here: the fact that these neo-hippies exploit resources and labor in foreign countries, the idea that pink table salt is "magical" and "natural," the belief of white people that merely adding salt is "seasoning all your food" and the fact that there are schmucks who bought this crap home, use it and actually think they haven't been duped.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!