Afternoon! I'm currently in Family Hell, hitmen appreciated.
@froyo255 oh god what's going on
@Chel oh, it's my dad's family being all kinds of toxic people and me being more or less forced to be with and interact with all of them rn x__x And/or being guilt-tripped into it lol.
Not a good look lmao asdfghjkl
@froyo255 big oof
@Chel yuuup
I got away for now and am in the process of letting my bed knock me out though xD Calling this one a victory :B
Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!
@Chel yuuup
I got away for now and am in the process of letting my bed knock me out though xD Calling this one a victory :B