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Chel boosted
Chel boosted

Hello new users! A gentle reminder: @Gargron runs the site. @cm_kropot and I are the primary moderators. Of the three of us, I am transgender.

That makes ME the gatekeeper of trans people on

As that gatekeeper, I have removed the gate on

It's against our rules to discriminate against trans people or to tell trans people they're "being trans wrong". I am tired of hearing the words "tucute" and "truscum". They do not belong here.


seem to be all the rage today given the influx of new folks, so... I might as well join in, I guess

Hi, I'm Chel. I'm just a relatively boring goofball trans bunny that spends entirely too much time small talking with random folks I see on the federated timeline. :paw_fx90_wave:

I have a wall of text about myself over here, in the supremely unlikely case that anyone cares to read:

Chel boosted

tumblr? pfft, kids these days.

back in my day, we had a xanga account and we LIKED it

Chel boosted

about 6 years ago, i wrote plug-ins for a commercial package

about 4 years ago, those plugins morphed into their own non-commercial forum package

about 6 months ago, i shuttered the project after running it live for that whole time

i still can't believe that the only programming project i ever finished was forum software... in the era that forums are seriously dying.

Chel boosted

@lynnesbian Linux? What's that?

I'm still hosting on Windows ME. Let me know whenever Windows YOU comes out.

Real talk, we need more bunnies among the new users :bun:

Chel boosted

Please remember to read the rules for

Specific notes that I've noticed:

* Please don't post nudes, either photos or drawings, to the public timeline without using the "sensitive image" overlay (the "eye" icon that appears when you add an image)

* Please don't use anti-gay or racial slurs even in jest (we don't know you, and have to assume you mean them seriously)

Chel boosted

In lighter news tho, my youngest kitter discovered the wonders of mirrors today and I wanted to cry lmao

Chel boosted

that moment when you notice a typo and have to fight the urge to delete and repost :blobsleepless:

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I don't seem to have much to say today, so in place of anything insightful or witty, let me just say...

Hi, I'm trans and gay and become even more gay with every passing day. Hurray!

Also if there is actually an unflux of new folks today, hullo to y'all :paw_fx90_wave:

I seem to be a bit more scatterbrained than normal today :blobthinking:

Chel boosted
Chel boosted


irl, people think im like super diligent and boring. it's not true though.

new projects have this massive spin up time while I slowly think about every single part of it. that's when the wheels come off, i dont procrastinate on purpose. not really. i just start measuring everything out and thinking it through and then I don't finish for a year or so, hahahah.

then when I finish, people are like "wow" but they'd be less impressed if they saw the long process to get to that point.

Surefire way to make me abandon all good sense and pine after something: take an existing item, product, or whatever, and shrink it down.

For example the NES/SNES classics, small bottles of sauces/beverages, netbooks, etc.

I'll very rarely actually break down and buy of these things (unless I have a practical need), but it will force me to pause what I'm doing, go "OMG CUTE" and consider it for a few moments.

I'm probably incredibly shallow. :blobthinking:

Decided to give Slay the Spire a try. Seven hours later, I uh... I think it's safe to say that I kinda like it. 😅

Chel boosted

not intended to be lewd per se, but could be taken as lewd-adjacent? 

@Chel I guess a more straight forward way of putting it would be to say that when I latch on to someone I’m cuddly af

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!