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I need more cutesy anime styled MMORPGs with ridiculous fashion options, please.

good moring :bun:

been a little low on social spoons the last few days, so I haven't really been around that much, but I should now be slowly getting back to my normal posting habits :T

always lovely when the time comes for fire alarm panel testing

i love having multiple flashing lights and blaring alarms in my tiny apartment ;_;

I’m left wondering what percentage of my posts here are just me live tooting the process of grudgingly getting out of bed tbh >_>;

Chel boosted

the majority of my programming projects that are most "worth doing" actually have pretty substantial amounts of tedium and burn-out inducing grinds associated with them

it's a bit counter-intuitive, but i've found that this is often the case for problems that need solving. the reason some "simple" problems are still unsolved is because the problem's simplicity hides an arduous journey.

okay, bed is comfortable and all but there’s coffee to be had, and it’s calling for me

the bun rests beneath the sheets, pondering an exit strategy for extracting herself. she is weak, and she knows it

bed is warm
apartment is cold
the bun is lazy

Chel boosted
Chel boosted

Because I can't actually scream my lungs out in physics class, allow me to do so here

[screams lungs out]

tried watching the 1989 Batman movie for the first time in... uh... quite a long time.

couldn’t quite do it.

food, WA 

speaking of nostalgic places shutting down, I miss the old Smokey's Pizza places around the Vancouver WA area.

food, seattle 

Seattle BBQ, ranked, in my opinion

1: Emma's BBQ
2: Jack's BBQ
3: Bitterroot BBQ

(Bitterroot is okay, but I can only be smushed in with so many techbros before I need to run away crying and screaming for air)

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food, seattle 

Jack's BBQ is pretty decent. I just... can barely tell the difference between their regular bbq sauce and their spicy bbq sauce

I wish I were better at the whole slew thing

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!