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sometimes I talk about making making toots that are completely out of character or way too personal just to see @Scarly’s face as she reacts

she doesn’t react often

but when she does?

it is golden

Chel boosted

playing neverwinter nights 2 with @Chel is something of a study in contrasts

chel is all polite and diplomatic and conflict averse. i'm an absolute jerk with a chip on my shoulder. we're constantly blunting the others dialogue choices in a neverending struggle of evil against whatever chel is (probably calculated neutrality).

Chel boosted

friends. do socialism.

it's good for you and society.

Chel boosted

An early favorite shot, when there was some fortuitously timed snow. (I'd be cursing it a month later, but that's another story) They'd largely stayed inside for a couple days, understandably unimpressed with the turn of the weather, but soon were back to normal. =:)


Chel boosted
Chel boosted

putting my anime on hold while the anime world works through its goblin slayer obsession

there's problematic faves and there's Problematic Faves. that show is The Problematic Fave.

the adverts, reviews, editorials, defenses - all irritating.

@Scarly she stops whenever I look over at here though, which is unfortunate

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@Scarly is dancing in her chair and it's one of the cutest things on the planet

Chel boosted
Chel boosted

it's so cute when chel favourites something and then scarly favourites it a few seconds later :blobcat:

Chel boosted

when i'm writing a site code of conduct or rules page, i show it to a few cishet male acquaintances that i know

if they start squirming uncomfortably and looking scared, then i know i've done a good job and i'm good to go

if they start crying about feeling excluded then i def know that i've hit paydirt

Chel boosted

@Chel i'm boosting this to share with the world that you're actually totally corrupt af

Chel boosted

wtb relationship counselor for when @Chel and i inevitably fall out and have a war over pixels

web devs, never marry your designer - wisdom of this elder crow

Chel boosted

I should probably stop buying fighting games.

I don't tend to spend any significant amount of time with them in single player, have come to dislike random online multiplayer, and hardly anyone buys the PC versions of games, so... 🤷

Chel boosted

did you know mouses wear warm clothes when it gets colder?

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!