Hey. Hey you. Yeah, the cutie reading this.
*looks around to make sure nobody else is listening*
Okay, we're good. I have to tell you...
...that you're massively loved by everyone who knows you, including me. You are so special and sweet, and your other loves will agree with me. Without you the world would be so much greyer and wouldn't have the spark it has with your presence.
Keep being you. Even when it's a struggle. We need you. We believe in you.
Much love You've got this!
Happy 30th Birthday to the greatest Star Trek show to ever grace our screens. #StarTrek DS9 premiered on this day 1993
Doing a short casual stream tonight. Just chatting with some Hero Forge. Stop by!
Tonight, the Jett the android courier will walk her final road in the Mojave Wasteland. Stop by from 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST).
Playing more Fallout: New Vegas, in the name of SCIENCE! Starting from 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST).
Playing more Fallout: New Vegas, in the name of SCIENCE! Starting from 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST).
Comic artist, podcasting foxgirl, and Twitch streamer from Edinburgh, Scotland. (She/Her)