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I got my start playing sublime songs on my mom's guitar when I was 12

then I used shareware demos of different music software when I was really into john cage n arnold schoenberg not really knowing anything about scoring but pushing around notes till I got smthn I liked

I finally got fantasy life (I ordered it used like two weeks ago)

I turned a piece I was really getting sick of n turned it into smthn else

it took me a long time to get smthn approximating what I wanted in this piece before wondering if I even wanna continue

I don't really act period but I should have a lotta bravado to get a decidedly non pop music some sorta cultural momentum

I don't think I'd ever invent a subculture but it'd be cool if ppl knew me as "an instrumental ambient music composer who acts like a hip hop mogul"

I don't wanna meet anyone internet famous but my ex comes close to that?

i want an investigative documentary about the origins of the Cool S. am i gonna have to make this myself

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!