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lewd, dumb, games nipples the hedgefriend

@softgoat "eh luigi? luigi? luigi? [fart noise tuned to 'head like a hole']

I want a girl pop song that gave me the same sense of being understood that deerhunter's fluorescent gray gave me 10 years ago

I don't know for sure the extent to which historical hiding places have been documented but imagine escaping from prison in the early 20th century n building a shelter away from civilization to evade recapture

a polka wild is an encampment made to house marginalized people in rural forests

our history is routinely purged n painted over so it must be invented in order to reflect

all polka wilds are doomed to collapse internally unless the house mother invites others to it

you're more vulnerable to the elements in a tent but a home is a home


it really sucks that we have to be exiled off of every website cause admins have such a hate boner for us


protag in new song reads the tumblr blogs of ppl who've passed on

one guy played one of those boxes that ppl use for busking that's like a really bassy hand drum

I genuinely enjoy this one video of some college percussion students playing scary monsters/nice sprites on xylophones n marimbas

I say this cause writing music still feels like pushing around notes until I get smthn I like now I just know what tonal harmony is

this was on the family computer that lasted for a long time n I think even before then I made lil guitar things w a guitar tab program n when I shared a WIP on a forum then some guy went "no offense but it sucks"

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!