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update on the piece: I'm finally happy w it so far after a lot of frustration w it not sounding like philip glass but instead sounding like some kinda bela tarr score but by harold budd instead of mihaly vig

*me, listening to a music song* wow! this slap really bop’s

ppl who write about minimalist composers talk more about how bad everyone else is than like parsing the music in an analytical way n it kinda annoys me cause I wanna know how to make a thing

all you are going to want to do is get back to lynn girlstuff

ever try to make smthn idiosyncratic n it sounds like old ballroom music

I'm gonna turn this moody ensemble piece into a strobey trance meditation thing lol

surgery, medical transition 

doing sawing motions over guitar strings w an emory board made me think about facial feminization surgery n cliches about desireablity so that is what my current wip is about n expect more stuff that sounds like 'Sob Story I'

you jump to yr death n immediately hear "your name's lebowski lebowski" before you explode

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making a custom worms 2 voice set out of clips from 90s comedy movies downloaded from free movie wavs dot biz

youtube quit showing me disfigured face meme man plz he scares me

they're not really expensive compared to how much games usually sell for it's just "used game that's still 40-50 dollars" is expensive to me

I bought 3 titles from the most expensive franchises on the used 3ds games market except for the bravely default sequel that if I had a lil more I would've gotten

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!