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it's hard not to feel like the world is a lost cause

discourse, transphobia, misogyny 

smthn I think that's been lost in discourse about internalized misogyny is that it's nothing to do w rejection of womanhood as a trans man/nb but to do w this need a lot of women feel to destroy other women for not performing femininity right etc etc including n especially trans women's femininity

[hannibal buress voice] high art n game collecting is the same

I imagine ppl who make it in the contemporary art world no matter what medium have v horrifying dark secrets but put on a public face of being 'gender critical'

I'm gonna do a Jenny Holzer looking thing that reads "want to write 12 tone serial music now that men no longer find it fashionable"

I trust the chemicals in my brain to tell me that they are chemicals n I vote


magdalen berns doesn't even put on this facade that what she's doing is about feminism, she never talks about anything other than trans ppl's transgressions to her personally or w/e

the thing I like about mihaly vig is that his stuff sounds like classical music by a downer basement lofi person

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!