discourse, transphobia, misogyny
smthn I think that's been lost in discourse about internalized misogyny is that it's nothing to do w rejection of womanhood as a trans man/nb but to do w this need a lot of women feel to destroy other women for not performing femininity right etc etc including n especially trans women's femininity
this is intensely absurd to the point of discomfort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdzuLl1sHQ0
it's this song again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxicqOaHdr0
the thing I like about mihaly vig is that his stuff sounds like classical music by a downer basement lofi person https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjMOOySybq4
Lynn/Roon/Rosie/Pripyat (mostly Lynn) - 32 yo trans girl guitar synth slob & creature enthusiast from stick n mud town - ❤️ Pepper Jean Softdragon❤️- she/her - mows who is sometimes pupper - make out w me in yr basement