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Massiv Attack stabil:

“We said no to #Coachella for next year because again, we’ve been there once, and once was enough. It’s in Palm Springs. It’s a golf resort built on a desert, run on a sprinkler system, using public water supplies. Mental. If you want to see something that’s the most ludicrous bit of human behavior, it’s right there.”

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Sexualisierte Gewalt 

Youtube schlägt mir eine Doku vor, die mir wirklich das Blut in den Adern gefrieren lässt.
Gisèle Pelicot ist definitiv nicht allein
Das Vergewaltiger-Netzwerk auf Telegram von #STRG_F
Über 70.000 Täter!

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Nenon boosted

Automakers have been selling data about the driving behavior of millions of people to the insurance industry.

In the case of General Motors, affected drivers weren’t informed, and the tracking led insurance companies to charge some of them more for premiums.

I’m the reporter who broke the story.

I recently discovered that I’m among the drivers who was spied on.

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SHOCKING DEVELOPMENT a turing-complete programming language for writing programs in the style of clickbait news headlines

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Hallo, ihr Lieben. Eine Freundin von mir möchte gerne von #Twitter zu #Mastodon wechseln, möchte dabei aber gerne ihre dortige Timeline inkl. aller Tweets und deren Timestamps mitnehmen. Ich würde ihr gerne dafür einen Invite geben, hänge aber gerade an der Frage, wie das mit dem import der alten Tweets laufen könnte. Sowas wie geht ja nur serverseitig. Habt ihr eine andere Idee? Download der Tweets als Zip ist vorhanden.

Nenon boosted

Y'know that #solarpunk trope of floating wind turbines in the sky, tethered to the ground, and feeding power down to denizens below?

This is in China, serving 50KW at 500m, which is power for between 40 to 140 households.

The figure changes depending on which country you use. USA is around ~1KW per house, and in Europe it's closer to 300-400W on average).

I wonder what the economics are like for these. I you have seen numbers, do plz share.

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Nenon boosted

Frage an euch: Viele zögern, #GraphenOS zu installieren, obwohl es eigentlich recht einfach ist. Wie wäre es, wenn der Kuketz-Blog eine Dienstleistung anbietet, die die Installation gegen eine Aufwandsentschädigung von etwa 50 € übernimmt? Was denkt ihr – gäbe es dafür Interesse?

#android #datenschutz #privacy #customrom

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Nenon boosted

A former Boston Globe & Reuters reporter who is now homeless gives a gutting, beautifully written, and clear-eyed firsthand account of what it's like to be homeless in America right now.

This is the best article you'll read today, easily. The ending is chilling.

#LongReads #Journalism #News #AmWriting #Housing #Homelessness

@Catvalente is there a link or something where its described what you saw as misogynist in the original movie back in 2010?

Its one of my fav movies, but i didnt notice any misogyny back then. And id like to learn.

Nenon boosted

X's legal filing in the InfoWars bankruptcy case is both batshit crazy and also what you'd expect. It asserts that X owns every account, can do whatever it wants with them, and can inject itself into legal proceedings that have nothing to do with it.

This is why it's incredibly important that people invest in platforms that they own, and move toward federated/decentralized/portable, noncorporate social media as rapidly as possible

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Nenon boosted

Politiker*innen wollen nicht, dass sie Genaueres über ihre Nebenjobs (lol) veröffentlichen müssen, so wie Merz, der einfach 11 (!) davon hat. 🤡

@binbash i hope there was still space on yer bucket list ;D

Nenon boosted

A few days ago, Greta Thunberg said this…

As the COP29 climate meeting reaches its end, it should not come as a surprise that yet another COP is failing. The current draft is a complete disaster. But even if our expectations are close to non-existent, we must never find ourselves reacting to these continuous betrayals with anything but rage.

The people in power are again about to agree to a death sentence to the countless people whose lives have been or will be ruined by the climate crisis. The current text is full of false solutions and empty promises. The money from the Global North countries needed to pay back their climate debt is still nowhere to be seen. The host country, Azerbaijan, is a repressive and authoritarian petrostate that has committed ethnic cleansing and genocidal acts towards Armenians. Civil society present at COP29 are being silenced, yet continue fighting and pushing negotiators towards the bare minimum.

All of this while oppression, inequalities, wars, and genocides all over the world continue to intensify. Those in power are worsening the destabilization and destruction of our life-supporting ecosystems. We are on track to experience the hottest year ever recorded, with global greenhouse gases reaching an all-time high just last year.

It is clear that the current systems are not working in our favor. The COP processes aren’t just failing us, they are part of a larger system built on injustice and designed to sacrifice current and future generations for the opportunity of a few to keep making unimaginable profits and to continue exploiting planet and people.

With every negotiation, with every speech made by a world leader, and with every agreement they sign, it becomes clear that it is up to us as a global collective to take the action we so desperately need, and to show where the leadership truly lies. They are not going to do it for us, as this COP29 yet again proves.

#Politics #Economics #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice

@iwmm nope. Login ging vorhin auf mehreren geräten und netzwerken nicht

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!