a reminder that this is all the exposition you get out of God Hand

"you've arrived in town. here's some guys to ponch" also here's your soundtrack for walking through town ponching random thugs and Actual Demons

@Nine it emulates very well nowadays if your machine can handle PS2 emulation!

@Nine what the SHIT

I got my copy in like 2011 for £4 or sommat

@theoutrider okay I mnaanged to find a copy for like, £20 on ebay, but amazon has only 3 copies for like £48, and one fucko on ebay is selling their used copy for £100 XD

@Nine ANYWAY it emulates well and you get widescreen and high res if you fancy out of it

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!