Me earlier going out in the admittedly pretty high winds and heavy rain with an umbrella: "psh. This Typhoon business is a joke. It's just a bit of rain"
Me after learning that wasn't the typhoon at all and it was just normal rain and wind: "oh."
Me now stuck in this hotel as the typhoon slowly approaches with the winds and rain gradually getting worse and worse: "oh dear"
@Nine Clusterfuckles ain’t even begin to describe
@legendaryjoeb yeah for real! Annoyed I missed the sky going purple last night. :<
@Nine Typhoon is another word for hurricane. Be safe.
@Rosemary I'm perfectly safe. I'm in a really nice hotel that's built to withstand natural disasters in Tokyo, and there's been no order to evacuate this area either. We're all good ^^ thank you for the concern though!
Oh my god this isn't even the typhoon yet either?! This is just the actual outer reaches of it?! The eye is still over the sea holy fuck. It's gonna be before midnight tonight when it hits Tokyo proper. O_o;;