Regarding internet speeeebs

right now? currently hitting something like 3.9 Mbps, tops.

gonna test it tomorrow see if it's any better.


Forgot about the internet thing.

I decided to test it just now and uh...

Remember how yesterday I said my download speed topped out about 3.9 Mbps?

Reaching 19Mbps today. Goshhecko. That's not even a "slowly ramping up to that", it's just "BAM HERE WE GO MAX SPEED TIME TO PUT ON EUROBEAT AS WE SURF ONLINE TOKYO DRIFT"

Now, some oddities. says my unloaded latency is like, a nice lovely 18ms, and loaded is a respectable 180ms.

Ookla's on the other hand says my ping is is anywhere from 700 to 890ms. which is...

...not good.

...Something's weird here. Either way tho. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO INTERNETS.

@Ronflaix Much the same! Though it says the ping is like 17ms as well. Did not know about that site tho, thank you! I'll add it to my collection :3

@Nine Yeha, I don't know if I can trust speedtest, where they clocked me at 600 Mbps where windows' was logging at 200-300 Mbps. I feel like is closer to my own usual connection's speed

@Nine ive started actually getting my advertised speeds since i got an external wifi antenna and used a USB extension to put it behind the pipes in my cupboard, thus circumventing the thing that was shielding my room from the internet (and avoiding having to use my ageing, unstable powerline adapters)

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