they added like five hundred more titles to the Itch Bundle for Racial Equality and like, fuck yeah, but also oh my god this is so many games, how the fuck am i supposed to process and sort through all these games that i own now

this is a stupid thing to gripe about but here we go 

it wouldn't be so bad if the download page for them didn't sort them alphabetically or by date added or anything, so the new games added to the bundle are just like mixed in with the old ones willy-nilly. which means i gotta go through ALL of them again and find the ones that look like they might be interesting right off the bat. i fuckin love this bundle but holy shit, kind of a hassle, eh

anyways i'm probably gonna make a thread on here later about games i've tried just to give other folks a starting point. please keep in mind it will be informed by my personal tastes, i'm not downloading EVERY game in the bundle because that would turn into a chore very very fast and also possibly blow up my hard drive

indie games made by straight people: "A desolate interactive dream about a man searching a mysterious island for the girl he once loved... or did he? I poured six months of my heart and soul into this. Please enjoy."

indie games made by queer people: "heres a game i made about a poly triad of neon trash skeletons who like to spray acid piss on fascists. made it in five minutes for ludum judum jammy jam 891. fuck off terfs"

@irisjaycomics just from these descriptions alone I know exactly which one is gonna be way more fun to play too.

(it's the antifascist neon trash skeleton polycule one)

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