i started to type a post where i say "ah the genders," and then i list all the characters in the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny but then i realised that i don't really know most of those characters so i dont know how to write their names

@codl Godzilla, Batman, Shaquille O'Neil, Arron Carter, Abraham Lincoln, Optimus Prime, Indiana Jones, Jackie Chan, at least one Care Bear, chuck norris, Bruce Wayne (though i think that's just batman tbqh, not sure, sus as fuck tho), Gandalf the Grey, Gandalf the White (hold up what's with the recolour??), the Black Knight, benito mussolini, a blue meanie, cowboy curtis, Jambi the genie, Robocop, the Terminator, Captain Kirk, Darth Vader, Lo Pan, Superman, all the power rangers, like every one

@codl Bill S Preston and Theodore Logan, Spock, the Rock, Doctor Octopus, hulk hogan and Mr Rodgers.

@codl especially the kicking chuck norris's cowboy ass part

@Nine it was the bloodiest gender reveal that the world ever saw

@codl it's possible that one of the Great Filters of civilisations around the universe is gender reveal parties.

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