the hyperloop test is hilarious to me because Europe has had way faster and super comfortable intercity trains for ages

they even look cool

and they run super smooth (they have to, they go 200 mph) like holy shit check that hyperloop video it's bumpy as heck

@noiob Also that hyperloop test was apparently only 100mph. not the frankly ridiculous 670mph they're advertising, which I have... doubts about honestly.

Also fucksake, Japan was like "Yo we can like, build you a proper bullet train, that goes wicked sick fast and shit, fraction of the cost, you want?" and the US, of course, was like "NO WE ONLY WANT US STUFF THANK YOU WE CAN DO IT BETTER", so Japan was like "sure whatev bro, can't wait to see how you fuck this up, lol."

lo and behold.

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