us pol / fallout from the demon ronald regan
@Nine ah yes,
the 90s
being a gay 4 year old in 1994 during the fallout of the regan years
ah yes
the 90s
when the "gays deserved AIDS" rhetoric was cementing in american culture
ah yes
the 90s
when it was totally ok to be problematic as fuck to gay people
because it was the 90s!!!
it was a different time!! !
re: us pol / fallout from the demon ronald regan
@DrSagan fuck the 90s honestly i lived through it too in the UK and hooooly fuck anybody who's like "Lol i really miss the 90s things were so much better then" I am LEGIT suspicious of because the 90s fuckin' SUUUUUUCKED.
We didn't have Regan.
We DID have Section 28 though. And that was bad enough. ugh.
re: us pol / fallout from the demon ronald regan
@DrSagan section 28 was put in place by the tory govt back in 1988, and lasted, in england, until 2003. nearly two decades. (In scotland, it 'only' lasted until 2000). It was a law banning the "Promotion of homosexuality".
Yeah, one of THOSE laws. :| It fuckin sucked.