britpol adjacent
clicked ona twitter thread to share it with someone, and of course it opens the web interface, and of course,, that means I get to see the god awful "what's happening" sidebar thing but one thing just jumped out at me.
today, for me, it shows "Could Kier Starmer be the next Tony Blair??" and see, I'm like 85% sure that they mean that in a glowing, adoring way.
....but there's another way to read that too.
with no changes to that headline.
that is far more damning.
@sc oh I just use tweetdeck, but if Twitter decide to murder that too in an effort to force people to use the mobile app, I can always use various extensions and whatnot if i have to use the web site.
@Nine if it helps there’s an extension called Tweak New Twitter that gets rid of the trending section