in less awful fuckin angrymaking news, i've been playing Sky: Children of the Light on Switch lately (it's by the people who made Journey, flOw and Flower, so, you know, nice and chill, pretty experience, though more social and multiplayer focused than Journey... despite having many of the same story beats), since it was recently ported to the Switch from Mobile. It controls better by the looks of things, but oh my god nintendo your onscreen keyboard SUUUUUCKKKKSSS

like, it has a text prediction thing, but it's bloody awful, unintuitive, and awkward as hell to use. it's a nightmare. it means any text responding to people is SLOW and i often miss stuff they've typed at me because they have a phone keyboard that, you know, actually FUNCTIONS, and can do gesture typing/Swype, (and also can do emojo). and also i can't see what's being typed or said until I've finished typing. x-x;

(also the game is JAAAANKKKKKKK loool. there are so many goddamn glitches and stuff in it. it's actually kind of charming except in certain places where the jank genuinely gets in the way, and unfortunately these are in the most difficult sections too)

It's nice tho. it's got a fair bit of replayability. There's character customisation too, and I finally got enough stuff to get what's called the "Chibi mask" which makes your character smol.

Most I'm sure get this because smol bean uwu, but I got it because it has a particular quirk with the default run animation.

Normally, once you hit maximum run speed, you start naruto running, but it's hard to get that fast. With the chibi mask, ALL running is Naruto running.

Ergo, best mask.

genuinely spend large portions of the game either humming "Fighting Dreamers" from Naruto or "Follow Me" from Sonic Adventure to myself lol

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