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@pup_hime .... For 128 MEG?? Goddamn that sdram better come with a cool server array and a house as well

@noiob so long as they don't go too far and make a fourth game after that (remakes of any of the previous ones or extra editions of them don't count)

@zatnosk @jk wait you are getting FREE will?? Shit I had to pay 29.99 for a monthly subscription of will.

an important diagram for you all to consider as part of your lab safety, from a year ago on fb

COVID-19 vaccination availability seems to have increased across the UK, and anyone over the age of 18 can get one now.

If you haven't gotten yours yet, it would be a really great time to check if you can start.

The UK is getting really close to herd immunity levels, but daily vaccinations are starting to slow down, so if you haven't yet, go here to find a place to get vaccinated:

Okay, so I'm fully aware that a lot of the rubbish that's done in gaming is... exploitative.

But holy wtf, I didn't realise that Roblox was this manipulative. Because I didn't know anything about it *at all*.

And this is definitely something that is manipulating children and teaching them how to exist in an exploitative environment.

Fuck it, anybody in Canada on here selling a Yamaha QY70 and willing to take PayPal

I've got a few offers but they all want to ship and they all want e-transfer and uhhhhh no I'm not e-transferring on faith

Really good info-sheet produced by the World Physiotherapy org about Post-Exertional Symptoms Exacerbation (PESE) in Long Covid. They note that many of the symptoms are similar to those experienced by people with ME/CFS (ime I'd say they're identical). PESE is usually called Post-Exertional Malaise in ME/CFS.

Here's the source, where it's available as PDF (Doesn't look like there's an accessible format I'm afraid):

@ChronicIllness @MECFS

@pisscotheque cool cool. if i can make a suggestion then, like... before you put them in the vase, ziptie the bases of them to like some kind of stick or something that hides within the vase, then they won't flop out the top.

@kate *stands on the side of the canal with a bunch of other people all chanting together like some kind of keg party* STICK, STICK, STICK, STICK

apparently when you buy an album on bandcamp for $6.66 it throws up the horns????

sooo, Arknights is doing the Ubisoft/Rainbow 6 Siege crossover event, and I'm playing through the story of this event because , fuck it, free resources and stuff, why not.

did not expect to get in depth lore about the Arknights world and how Originium Arts work either, especially medical Arts. Neat.

@ancient_domains_of_word speaking of which, something I very recently learned;

there is no way to play Gen 1 games without encountering even ONE glitch.

not even one.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!