I wish to draw your attention to the blue book at the centre of this image.
Is this:
A) Drawing, and painting Animals (drawing of all kinds, but painting only animals)
B) Drawing AND painting Animals (artistry of Animals)
C) Drawing AND painting Animals (artistry BY animals)
Or D) Dr Awing, and Painting Animals (a story of the good doctor's prohibited proclivity for decorating animals)

Food mention 

This is simply a photo of a red salt pig; nothing more.

For those not in the know, a salt pig is a kitchen implement which stores salt, typically in sea salt flakes format, or maybe even small rock or sea salt crystals, so you can easily reach in, grab a pinch, and sprinkle it over food either post or during cooking.

Just a salt pig. Any resemblance to anything else is purely coincidence and therefore your own problem.

Eye contact, screenshot of character from videogame 

My character in monster Hunter stories 2 has extremely sleepy gremlin energy

Found a bug friemb in our pond when draining it to clean out all the mud that clogged it after some severe rain storms!

CW: for ... Idk freshwater crustacean? Water bubg? Swimmy insect? Hard fish? W/e

Food adjacent, in that this is a picture of the packaging of some poultry food, sexuality mention, pooptooting 

Saw this and didn't realise straight people were farm animals.

Was helping out Miq's grandma in refurbishing her garage, and had a nice visit from a local and her kids who was curious about what we were up to.
She graciously posed for a couple pictures too! Very good of her!

Pol adjacent shitposting, eye contact in attached picture 

Longer time goes on the more I start to feel like maybe this guy was onto something

What time is it? 🦆📮⌚ 

Bonus catte pic as well because Kami absolutely isn't fussed about the ducks and is only interested in cuddling me

Food depiction in photo, also birdsite algorithm bullshit referencing, also also a pooptoot 

Ah, the illegal sauce

Part 3 of 'sona art! Artists below!
1: @SerenaBeancatte@chitter.xyz drew this lovely doodl! friembly energy
2 and 4: Both by @BatElite and both so adorbs aaaa ^^
3: by @MayuZane on Twitter, who writes and draws the Merchant Band comic!

These are all really great giftarts and I am so thankful for these lovely lovely people drawing them ;w;

Behold, the new agender/non-binary alignment chart, made by me, drawn by finger, on my phone, so uh... I guess this is a prototype. And not at all meant to be taken seriously. I mean, unless you really want to I guess. Not like I can stop you. Enjoy!

Why did I even put this much effort into this? Because my brain is awful and would not let me think about anything else until I did.

me: "You know, NMS, despite being largely completely proc-genned in all its things, including data log entries in the derelict freighter missions, is pretty good at not being completely ridiculous no-"
NMS: *this*
me: ".... oh for fucks sake."

I am an adult, and yet this still made me absolutely lose my shit giggling for two minutes straight.

Marked sensitive because bathroom humour.

the entire universe:
the endless void:
entropy itself:
me upon seeing any kind of bone:

In awe at the size of this lass, the absolute unit.

And yes my hand IS going numb thank you for noticing

Duck posting: the return! 

Welp, the ducks are coming up on the patio now of their own accord for food! That was a surprise!

... Probably means it's going to be covered in mess some time soon though.

Oh dang I finally found the pictures from Japan I was missing, :O I took these two specifically because of the juxtaposition of manmade tech and nature and how one is just absorbed by the other... I think I prefer the second one most, the power lines blend so well with the trees.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!