Good video from the Jimquisition going over the bullshit happening against marginalised streamers on Twitch recently. If you are a Twitch streamer I highly encourage you to not go live on September 1st in protest against the hate raids.

Spread this to black trans or non-binary people you know: the Marsha P. Johnson Institute is paying $500 directly to black trans or non-binary folks, with priority given to black trans women and those who have experience as sex workers or have been formerly incarcerated

@noiob ...would you believe I've NEVER seen that car... but I kinda love it?

@noiob i...i am in europe. or at least, WAS... *glares at tories and their brexit bullshit*

@noiob dang havin' a real berenstein bears moment with these cars. I swear the door was wider... then agian i'm totally fuckin' fucked with this ear infection and paiunmeds soooo wheeee~~

@noiob huh, feel like that's significantly lessened the cuteness factor of it. hm...

@noiob oh dang I remember them having like... a gap under the doors? as a design choice?? maybe that's the older ones..

...still a fuckin cute car tho

@noiob I am almost certain I'd never practically be able to use it but the aesthetic of it was <3

@noiob small cars often do. like, i''m ngl, i once saw these Smart branded cars that were tiny li'l two seater "only usable for getting around town" cars that were a convertable type and I ALWAYS wanted one.

@codl "We have this grid for all size guides on our site"
"okay cool, so I fill it in for every item, right?"
"but not the ones where the size is already stated in the description?"
" exceptions."
"...but... it's literally stated in the description, and the name of the item, and its variants, what size it is... why do I need to-"
"....fuckin... fine. ugh."

@noiob that's the most adorable little pickup truck I have ever fuckin' seen.

shame about the rainbow capitalism but...

@ohtorifightclub weird I thought they'd send like, the severed roof of a house instead.

Tusky is not updating my timeline on c.f... hm. wonder if it's just the wifi being fucky

@Austin_Dern @heatherhorns "I am a gestalt entity formed from a massive hypercluster of nanomachines. I am therefore immune to your puny physical meatsacks' 'tells', and have the perfect pokerface"
"Ren, when you have a winning hand, your tail gets super slick and jelly-like because you literally divert processing power away from your appearance to internally squee about how good you are at poker. It gets spiky when you have a bad one."
"...I said I have a perfect poker-FACE, not tail."

re: the photobucket conundrum 

@heatherhorns oof they really hid that tiny fuckin' "manage your account" link RIGHT under those two huge buttons huh :/ Take it you still can't access the photos to remove them though?

@heatherhorns @Austin_Dern wwell, yes, i mean, sometimes you're gonna need extra surface area for certain tasks, or you're gonna need to reconfigure a few internals, or even externals, to interface with physical devices, sometimes you really DON'T want to be broadcasting over radio/wifi/bluetooth/nfc/tachyons or whatever, so you wanna dissassemble that part temporarily. and sometimes you just REALLLLLLY need like, a fuckin', extra pocket or too.

so yeah, different shapes, different uh... japes?

If you let the sheep worm paste posts stay up and put the responsibility of debunking it onto your users, then random bystanders (who would have never thought of eating sheep worm paste) will see two people arguing about sheep worm paste.


And they'll be right. Because you hosted that argument. You facilitated it. You paid for it to happen on your property.

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Adding onto the community moderation thread:

I just saw a guy in another thread do the whole Let The Lies Spread argument: instead of banning misinformation and propaganda from your site, allow it to stay up because your users will argue it and show it to be nonsense, and anyone watching will see it debunked and form a sensible conclusion.

If that's a thing you believe is true, still, in 2021, when people are eating sheep deworming paste, then you should NEVER run a social website.

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!