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it s is veyrhy hard to ytpe accyrately when sleepy on this keyuboard with one hand so i moved to tow hands anad i'n bto sutre it's anyw beterrer

well ok its axctusaslly timde tyi slwerp


timwe too sd;le[pp



hbblhhgbghyuvfutftyfutyghjhgfdsfghbjnkmjioyutyfutdyrt its time

to slime

slime time

hey what's up I killed Alexa, Siri and Google Assistant and took their places

I made an fictional game review website with dreamweaver a few months ago, and I still need to finish it (missing images intentional, supposed to imitate the bitrot you see when browsing old sites on the internet archive)

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RIP in Pieces Kellee you were taken too soon by my utter incompetence ;;

Ohhhhh and I just destroyed one of my own drones in DUSKERS with a sentry turret because I am a complete dingusfuck

Monkey fursonas are so good and not common enough.

i have a really kinda pleasing melody out of context this is the perfect game that I can heartily recommend a Form 1+ or a Form 1+ or a Form 1+ or a weak spell. You'd expect like a trip

I for one, welcome Peachette to the pile of Female Characters that Look Like Peach Quite a Bit That Nintendo Uses Once Then Forgets Exists

Well done DevOpsDays really.
(Caption: name badges with pronoun stickers and communication stickers)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!