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4 word horror story: Task Manager (Not Responding)

my favourite thing is my phone correcting "oppa gangnam style" to "oops, gangnam style"

oh yeah here’s this mlp redraw... I didn’t really clean it up #mastoart #mlp

so yesterday I foudn out that part of the CURRENT playlist at my work's PA system "radio" is

All-Star by Smash Mouth.

there is also A-Ha's Take On Me

all we need now is One Week by Bare Naked Ladies and we have the trifecta of meme songs on it :|

our favourite anti-gravity digital singer looks like Tower of Guns but you just hit a critter.

transphobic research (+) 

Last August, PLoS One published an article by a would-be Andrew Wakefield, suggesting that the internet is turning cis kids trans.

Today, the journal published a lengthy correction notice [1], a revised version of the article [2] “in which the author has updated the Title, Abstract, Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion sections,” and a formal comment [3] dissecting the original study’s methodology.

In addition, the editor in chief published a blog post [4] stating in part that “the issues with this article could and should have been addressed during the original peer review process. . . . In this case, as a journal we have failed in this responsibility when reviewing and publishing the original article.

“As Editor-in-Chief of PLOS ONE, I fully and sincerely apologize to the trans and gender variant community and others affected by those shortcomings. We should have handled this better.”


Don't often get to see this: a toaster approaching telophase in its mitotic process, about to pinch off its cell membrane. Nature is truly amazing

I'm really getting to grips with Baba is you.

So far it's introduced the concepts of "is", of course, but also "not" "and" "has". Has is particularly interesting. It means that X contains Y. Also, double negatives are not only possible and allowed, but... Sometimes necessary.

And yes "Not X" does mean everything that is NOT X

So, I guess it turns out that it’s “Illegal” and “blasphemous” to steal the Pope’s big hat and God sent me to hell.

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goddamn some of these puzzles are just harder versions of previous ones and some of them I'm completely stumped by but the solution is so simple it's bvaffling that I never figured i tout, and slightly frustrating., BUT, then sometimes I just... figure out really complicated ones and I'm just "...wait why could I not get the LAST one!?"

...what is stop??... the fuck is a pi pe?

*clock ticks, penny drops very very slowly*

...oh. oh right. PIPE. fuck.

... this game is doing bad things to my brain"

....huh. okay so... text also... counts as ... huh...


....this is... going to lead to a lot of fuckin'... weird puzzles I can tell

Still no job, and freelancing has pretty much dried up completely.

If you've got a couple bucks spare I could use the help. :/

(And thank you. I hate to ask *again*, and I can't wait until I'm the one able to *send* money to folks in need. #transcrowdfund )

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!