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I wanna see NO MORE than ONE (1) ps/2 socket on that case! NO MORE.

And if there isn't two 3.5" drives, there had BETTER BE AT LEAST ONE, AND MAYBE A 5.25"!

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if your 90s rig has no turbo switch is it even really a 90s pc

honestly quite upsetting that the mcMemebot doesn't actually have a monster girls folder ;;

okay so Gunfire Reborn is a pretty rad as fuck game and I've only played 3 hours of it bhut it's super nice.

if it has one downside?

no girls :<

all doods

sure they're all anthros but

where the girls at D:

okay yeah the entire album slaps, the only song I don't much like is the penultimate one is your soul for sale but otherwise fuckin' all of them rule. good album, always was.

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four songs in to the album and i still love them all.

I am sure there'll be one I'll be like "eeehhh I think I'll skip that one".

Even on United By Fate, by Rival Schools, quite literally one of my favourite albums ever, there's several tracks I skip every time. But if I like at least half the tracks, then I consider it a good album. My absolute faves, I like at least 75% of the tracks.

I haven't yet found an album I like 100% of the tracks all the time. But it could happen!

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if you like. but each requires all the characters a-OH SHIT IS THAT GILLIAN SEED AND METAL GEAR Mk 2 IN THE AIIIR TONIIIIGHT

(this thread brought to you by me listening to the entire album Boy with the X Ray Eyes again fro the first time in decades and i just... fuck i still love the whole fuckin' thing)

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like, what the fuck.

the song fuckin' rules. the FULL song. the whole fuckin' ALBUM fuckin' rules. Like, fuck the spedup bits of Spaceman, the actual song itself fuckin' slaps like hell.

When I listened to the whole album I was just fuckin' blown away by how good the whole thing was like oh my GOD it was way better than the bit the advert used.

Absolutely criminal people didn't recognise how good that album was at the time.

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fucks me up still that the world found out about Spaceman by Babylon Zoo back in the 90s because of a fuckin' levi jeans advert.

and everyone was like "AW YEAH THAT'S A GREAT TRACK I NEED MORE"

and then everyone collectively got the whole fuckin album "Boy with the X-Ray Eyes" and people realised that the bit htey used for the advert, was just the VERY BEGINNING, and the VERY END of the song, none of the rest of it, and some folks were like "wtf this is SHIT D: "

this is not a relfection on E:D. just... my brain is being garbofuck.

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mmmnnnn. just loaded up E:D and got struck with a wave of "uughh why am i doing this is this fun i'm not having fun am i uuughhh" :<

I have dyspraxia, which is an inhibition of motor functions that makes me much less aware of my body's positioning in space than most people. From the outside this looks either like clumsiness or like someone consciously thinking about every motion, which is basically how I operate day-to-day - think of it like software compensating for faulty hardware.

When I'm feverish, the body-awareness software goes STRAIGHT out the window and this can sometimes be HILARIOUS

During a fever I completely forget what my body is supposed to be made up of, and sometimes alternative explanations present themselves. Most of the time these are disturbing or horrible but the latest Dan Fever Form, brought on by the second covid vaccine shot, was the best yet.

For a good five minutes after waking up I was an octopus made of chains, and I was DELIGHTED. I absolutely revelled in this form!

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look. these fucked up sounds ive been making DO have musical use. honest!!!!! i even made a really unconscionable string sound by layering like 16 of it !!

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why does Arknights have such a fuckin great soundtrack a mobile-gacha tower defence game has no business having this incredible an ost

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!