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when you're exfiltrating something and you're not done that's a work in egress

(oh on a side note i looked into the proposal document and actually read it for the skunk emoji and ngl I could not stop giggling that one of the major points they make is that it would be more hilarious if they put a skunk emoji in for the fart jokes that are already made using the dashing emoji and a panda emoji in combination to signify a skunk. I mean, i'm also a little insulted that AGAIN, skunks are relegated to a fart joke or pepe le sexual harassment lawsuit references but...)

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oh what the fuck

one of the skunk emoji changed.

I think it was the google one and it had this gloriously fucking sassy walk with its nose held high and it was the GREATEST FUCKIN' EMOJI EVER an d they've changed it and now they're all just basic as hell i mean they look okay but god. what the fuck. you destroyed true fuckin' art. rip sassy skunk emoji, you were murdered before your greatness could be known ;;

uh also if anyone knows any free legal online resource, i've tapped out anything in my area that could have potentially helped, and my amazing hope to deal with the wage theft actually turned out to be undoable without tons of money, it seems

god maybe my boss really will get away with this

public transport opinion 

Okay self-driving cars seem like a really good idea, but I don't think they're ready to use on the open roads yet. I'd suggest keeping them on a fixed route where no other vehicles can go to minimize risk of collision.
We should probably have fixed places where people can get on and off. The cars come in, open their doors, let people enter and exit, and then continue on their journey.
Speaking of which, we should probably also make them larger to increase efficiency and again, to minimize risk of accidents.
We could even couple several of them together into one combined vehicle.
And since they're only going on a fixed route anyway, it makes more sense to use steel wheels on steel rails instead of rubber on asphalt.
I know it's an outlandish concept, but I'm convinced it might work really well if we ever get to try it out on a large scale

that thing bunnies do where they stretch out like long. like if you agree

stolen from Facebook, pic taken in Goa, India in 2019

3 Some Away Some...
hot lesbinans...

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If you know someone who works at the NYC city hall, please help Louis out!!!

nothing against sparkledogs tho, absolutely not. unironically I love that sort of wild free expression of colour and energy and silliness and imagination and it should be embraced, not shunned and shamed.

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me immediately: *wondering if they should recreate Pastel and go FULL ABSOLUTE GODMODE QUEER with their design*
my brain: *already thinking about it because we all know the answer is ALWAYS YES*

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me: "hm, you know, I don't think i ever had a 'sparkledog' phase... Is that weird?"
my brain: "don't make me tap the sign"
the sign: "You had a character who was a pastel coloured anthro fox at one point"
me: "....ooohhhh yeah I forgot about them. Wasn't their name like-"
me: "...well okay but i mean... we both know they could have been gayer."
brain: "...okay fair yeah, we were young and naive."

Julian: I'm not 'out of the closet.'
Julian: It's more of a containment breach.

Another food related pooptoot. Also random brain musings 

"I'm hoping to mature as an individual"
"What are you talking about? You're pretty mature already"
"No I mean like... A cheese." *Immediately grows fuzzy mould* "aww yeah here we go"

Food adjacent pooptooting 

Sometimes I lay awake, thinking of the horrific things we've done as a species...

Like mayonnaise...

ukpol, BBC News, government interference 

"Sir Robbie Gibb, communications director to Theresa May when she was prime minister, tried to block the preferred candidate to oversee the BBC’s news channels because the appointment would shatter relations with the government, said people with knowledge of the recruitment process.

Gibb, who became a non-executive director of the BBC in April, issued his warning to the news division’s managers after Jess Brammar, former editor of HuffPost UK and deputy editor of BBC Newsnight, emerged as the favoured candidate in the recruitment process.

Gibb, a former BBC journalist, told BBC director for news and current affairs Fran Unsworth in a text message that she “cannot make this appointment”, said people privy to the communication. He added the government’s “fragile trust in the BBC will be shattered” if she went ahead.

Brammar’s appointment as BBC executive news editor has stalled since Gibb’s intervention on June 22 and taken longer than anticipated, said people involved in the recruitment process."

As if BBC News isn't as governmentally independent as RT already. Let's also not forget the current Director General received that appointment after a £400k donation to the Tories.

If Brammar does eventually receive the position, I wonder if that might improve the BBC's awful anti-trans bigotry? HuffPo's pretty good on that front.

(least favourites are the blos ones though. And urugaan. Radobaan is ok, but urugaan is just a fuckin asshole. I even prefer the Pickle and B52 to them. Hell even pleisoth and it's ilk like jyuratodos and even Lavasioth are better and more fun to fight than 'blos's.)

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(I love dodogama and kulu so much. They're my favourite "trash" monsters in Monster Hunter, and both have such character and expressiveness.)

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!