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Twitter screenshot, not a dunk I promise, cyberpunk 

Someone pointed out that the dude that pioneered cyberpunk as a genre is on Twitter and I've been never more happy to see someone retweet a very particular post

image descriptions, image 1 

Tweet from Popeye Official. The caption is written like Popeye speaks but I'll translate for screen reader friendliness. It reads "It's Nonbinary Day! Happy celebration to all of my amphibious pals!"

The tweet contains an excerpt from an old Popeye comic. Popeye - who is in a dress and wearing a large hat with a feather in it - is standing opposite a large bald man with a thin moustache. He says "Lem, darling, promise you wont be mad at me if i tell you something." The man says "Of course, I wont be mad at my little wifey, what is it?" Popeye responds "I am amphibious." The man questions with "Amphibious?"

The second panel shows Popeye ripping the dress off and removing his hat to reveal his usual sailor outfit underneath. He says "I wear both women's and men's clothes. I am Popeye the sailor."

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*crosses "sudden intense appreciation for the character of Popeye and the people who run/currently own the official twitter account" off the 2021 bingo board*

just in case you missed here it, here are three real and very very good tweets from the official popeye twitter

ill do image descriptions in the reply bc theres a lot to describe here

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You’re worth more, sis
Went a little crazy with this piece,,,,,,, time lapse coming soon in a separate post!

Finished waist-up!

Want to support me? Maybe you’ll consider buying me a coffee!

hey y'all, my irl friend really needs help! they got into a car accident and they don't have insurance. their cashapp is $MaverickGr and their Venmo is @ MG-Green

let me know if you help out, show me proof and i'll draw a lil portrait of you or your pet if you'd like!

#MutualAidRequest #mutualaid #transaid @mutualaid

but in the end this does make a point: a point about how capitalism will always copy what it sees, no matter what that is. That we must make our movements fundamentally anti capitalist in reaction.

and if it is just a bunch of cool aesthetic design photos at times, god it's a bunch of REALLY COOL AESTHETIC DESIGN PHOTOS AT TIMES

Ending on a high note with Utopian Scholastic, which might be my favorite.

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turn golf courses back into wolf courses

If you asked me to picture the man who invented karaoke, this is exactly the image that would have come to mind

the deal with thee/thou vs. you was that thee/thou was more personal/intimate, while 'you' was more formal

then english got over having grammatical relationship distance in pronouns & used 'you' everywhere

so when someone in an old-timey story says "Have at thee, villain!", they're actually flirting

Found a bug friemb in our pond when draining it to clean out all the mud that clogged it after some severe rain storms!

CW: for ... Idk freshwater crustacean? Water bubg? Swimmy insect? Hard fish? W/e

random short fiction piece based on a random thought in my shitpost generating brain 

"Well i'll be a horse's ass" he murmured, as he looked over appreciatively at the stallion in bed beside him.

The horse groaned and ran a hand over his face, glancing wearily over his shoulder at his donkey husband. "We've been married six years; are you gonna be doing this EVERY time you wake up?"

His partner grinned, seeing the badly hidden smirk on the stallion's face; "Only until it stops being funny."

"the problem with solar is that it produces too much power and drives down the cost" is a real thing that MIT has concluded so there it is. we literally cant have green energy because it doesnt make capitalists enough money

Actually the thing that gets me about those ‘wearable NFTs’ is that expensive in group indicating highly customisable unique clothes exist.

They’re called fursuits.

Also they don’t clip though objects, can be seen without virtual reality glasses and don’t indicate being an obnoxious techbro.

So, hey, I'm a translator. And I'm pretty much *always* looking for more work.

I translate to and from Polish.

Not the most in-demand language in the English-speaking world, but if you need a translation done or know someone who does, hit me up.

I'm good at what I do, I have low rates, and I can work pretty damn fast if that's what you need.

I am also pretty versatile, I've translated everything from literature to marketing to technical stuff.

anything can be a speedrun if you attempt it fast and recklessly enough

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no one:

absolutely noone:

me seeing someone mention ANYTHING with ANYTHING close to a change in how fast it happens or is completed: [%name] any% wr attempt

"no one wants to work" 

As seen on birdsite

A 15$ min wage wouldn't fucking kill jobs and this is proof

Push harder for more

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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!