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Have a sample meme from the 'bullying' section of our ~secret~ menu. 

HOLY MOLY! Its our secret menu! Eeeuuh, you weren't supposed to see that but...
SecretMenu: mcmeme-enterprises.neocities.o
To see the ~secret~ menu anytime: !secretmenu
To order: !order '1-4' 'folder from menu'

eg. !order 1 monster girls
Please allow a few minutes for a response.

friggin blaster master zero 2 has a girl with huge tids and who has a plant pot for a head.

a plant pot.

a friggin...

i mean...

inticreates wtf

I put Duskers on that one Temmie named Bob
you go, Bob. and go into the void

Legendary Apollo project programmer Margaret Hamilton, next to a printout of weirdo tech bro replies to her posts

Gachaman, an anime about superheroes who fight for conservation, environmentalism, and the responsible use of technology, but get their superhero costumes randomly out of a prize-ball machine at the start of every episode

...oh my god florian i just relaised what your display name was @theoutrider i literally have spent all this time going "huh i guess he really likes euro truck simulator" i cannot believe i never fucking realised

Food mentions 

ffffffffrig I goddamn love pasta seriously I could totally friggin eat just a bowl of penne pasta, doesn't even have to be fresh pasta, just dried pasta boiled up real quick just gajihfiashgjasfj

April is Autism Acceptance Month. Here's your periodic reminder to NOT donate to Autism Speaks. They're a pro-eugenics organisation masquerading as a charity, and they don't have any autistic people on their board of directors. They do nor speak for me or other #ActuallyAutistic people.

nero has been sending me bat videos all morning and i need you all to know that bats are perfect actually

sometimes i wonder if ppl are so wedded to class stratification because it’s a type of diversity that a lot of our cultural touchstones rely on. like without “rich” and “poor,” people imagine phalanxes of drones in neutral toned sack cloth. i think we need more speculative fiction that explores types of difference that are completely inconceivable today

I fucking love this


i found my favorite tumblr audio post again


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Computer Fairies

Computer Fairies is a Mastodon instance that aims to be as queer, friendly and furry as possible. We welcome all kinds of computer fairies!